Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Since the beginning of “TAPSIBLOGS” we have always put a premium on soft skills in business; not only is it ever practiced, it apparently is so hard to find.  The values of integrity, teamwork, leadership and determination take time to acquire while all the more being so difficult to influence on others to create a sound organization. 

Thing is, every Dick, Joe and Harry in our business of training has been saying the same for the longest time.  Now I am in no way trying to devalue soft skills being applied in your personal and professional lives, I actually rally behind it.  The problem is, being inspired is not enough to get you where you want to be in your career.  Technical skills are imperative.  And so I listed some of the most important business skills every person who wants to advance in their careers should learn.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


A woman went to a fortune teller to consult the future of her wealthy husband.  With a great degree of concern the psychic announced “Your husband will be found dead before the end of this week!”

Apparently unperturbed by the shocking news the wife then blurted out “Do you think I will get away with it?”

Now I will try to be a little controversial for writing this but I have always been uncomfortable at the thought that I completely have no control over my life; emphasis on the word completely.  The line that says all the world’s a stage and that we are merely actors makes me believe that I at least have time to rehearse right?